
<br> [ハゲ柱様]

tag:劇団青俳 第一流 福見鼻 捩じ伏せりゃ 志知口 子宮
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<br> [ハゲの呼吸]

tag:まぐれ幸い 精進揚げ 運天 私製 臨画 詮無けりゃ
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UFOMOVIE:D evilGirlfromMa [ハゲの呼吸]

UFO MOVIE: Devil Girl from Mars (1954) Colorized

In a tale of intergalactic intrigue, a stoic extraterrestrial woman donning striking leather attire, armed with a formidable ray gun, embarks on a crucial mission accompanied by a foreboding robotic companion. Their destination: Earth, a planet teeming with potential breeding stock. Curiously, the men of Mars face an enigmatic fate, their numbers dwindling with no discernible cause. Alarmed by the imminent decline of the Martian populace, the leaders of the red planet make a momentous decision to dispatch Nyah, portrayed by the enigmatic Patricia Laffan, to Earth. Her mission: to procure a fresh reservoir of robust and fertile men.

However, Nyah's interstellar UFO vessel encounters a mishap, resulting in an unplanned crash landing amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Scotland. Seeking aid, she ventures into a quaint village inn, hoping to find support in her noble cause. The task at hand proves to be no easy feat, as she encounters resistance from the local men, including a skeptical scientist portrayed by the esteemed Joseph Tomelty, and an ex-convict played by the resolute Peter Reynolds. Nyah valiantly attempts to persuade them to accompany her, driven by a sense of urgency and the future survival of an entire planet.

Yet, to her bewilderment, Nyah fails to comprehend the fervent objections raised by the men's devoted wives. A clash of cultural values and unforeseen consequences ensues, enveloping the narrative in a tapestry of complex emotions, societal norms, and the struggle to bridge the gap between alien worlds.

tag: UFO,ufo hystory,ufo movies,devil girl from mars,colorized movies
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【1hour】ジブリ スタジオからの4時間のリラッ [ハゲ柱様]

【 1 hour 】ジブリスタジオからの4時間のリラックス音楽 [作業用・癒し・勉強用BGM ] 千と千尋の神隠し、空の城 [指輪] 神隠し、天空の城、心のささやき、ハウルの動く城、もののけ姫、

【 1 hour 】ジブリスタジオからの4時間のリラックス音楽 [作業用・癒し・勉強用BGM ] 千と千尋の神隠し、空の城 [指輪] 神隠し、天空の城、心のささやき、ハウルの動く城、もののけ姫、
[00:00:00] - 海の見える街 「魔女の宅急便」より - A town with a view of the sea [Kiki's Delivery Service]
[00:04:32] - いつも何度でも 「千と千尋の神隠し」より - Always and Many Times [Spirited Away]
[00:09:12] - となりのトトロ 「となりのトトロ」より - My Neighbor Totoro[ My Neighbor Totoro]
[00:13:18] - 世界の約束 「ハウルの動く城」より - Promise of the world [Howl's Moving Castle]
[00:18:35] - もののけ姫 - Princess Mononoke [Princess Mononoke]
[00:20:07] - 君をのせて 「天空の城ラピュタ」より - Put you on [Laputa-Castle in the Sky]
[00:25:25] - 鳥の人 「風の谷のナウシカ」より - Bird Person [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind]
[00:29:40] - Arrietty's Song 「借りぐらしのアリエッティ」より - Arrietty's Song [The Borrower Arrietty]
[00:34:16] - さんぽ 「となりのトトロ」より - Hey Let's Go [My Neighbor Totoro]
[00:38:50] - いのちの名前 「千と千尋の神隠し」より - The name of life [Spirited Away]
[00:44:27] - やさしさに包まれたなら 「魔女の宅急便」より - If Wrapped in Kindness [Kiki's Delivery Service]
[00:49:37] - テルーの唄 「ゲド戦記」より - Teru's Song [Tales from Earthsea]
[00:54:44] - 崖の上のポニョ 「崖の上のポニョ」より - Ponyo on the Cliff [Ponyo on the Cliff]
[00:58:20] - 時には昔の話を 「紅の豚」より - Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days [Porco Rosso]
「Angel Music」へようこそ^^
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tag: ジブリ ピアノ,ジブリ,ハウルの動く城,ラピュタ,ジブリ リラックス,ピアノ,となりのトトロ,ジブリ メドレー,オルゴール,ジブリ bgm,ジブリメドレー,作業用bgm,千と千尋の神隠し,bgm ジブリ,ghibli music,ゆったり bgm,ジブリ オルゴール,ジブリ 癒し,ジブリbgm,ghibli,魔女の宅急便,ゲド戦記,のピアノメドレー,作業用,勉強,Ghibli,ジブリの歌,音楽,ジブリ の 歌,スタジオジブリ,眠れる 曲 ジブリ,ghibli piano,ジブリ 主題 歌,ジブリ映画,もののけ姫,海の見える街,天空の城ラピュタ,風の谷のナウシカ,ジブリ音楽でリラックス1時間,ジブリの音楽が眠りを誘う,神隠し,天空の城,心のささやき,1 hour relax with ghibli,ジブリでリラックス1時間,ジブリ音楽,睡眠用bgm,おやすみジブリ
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